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Imagine Life Without Back Pain Using This 1 Simple Trick!

Do you suffer from chronic back pain?

Do you feel tired and achy from a poor night's sleep?

Are you feed up with missing out because you have a bad back?

No More Excuses, Only Solutions!

There is a natural, effective, and safe way to virtually eliminate back pain forever. And the best part is...

  • You don't have exorbitant copays or complicated medical deductibles
  • You don't need to get man-handled and manipulated by a chiropractor
  • You don't need invasive, scary epidurals
  • You don't need to have risky surgical procedures with extended down time
  • You don't need painful acupuncture needles poked all over your body
  • You don't need to spend a fortune on meds that only dull the pain, not help the problem

Hi, Mere here,

Kudos again for making one of the best decisions you can for yourself and your body by joining my One & Done tribe!

I know you're going to be thrilled when you see your body transform in only 5 minutes a day. It's almost mind-blowing.

Now, being in the health and fitness industry for over a decade, I've just about heard and seen it all. Every client I work with and every story I hear touches me on an emotional level.

And unfortunately, one of the most common things I hear from clients is that back pain is ruining their life.

The quality of their life... time with their loved ones... enjoying activities... simply trying to sleep... is all being hindered by chronic back problems.

Pain that has likely been getting worse over the years and now other muscles in the body are trying to overcompensate because the back and spine have been misaligned or imbalanced.

See for yourself: Check out some spinal related issues that can occur from simply having a misaligned back!

One Minute Abs

And as you probably know, when your backs off EVERYTHING is off and left untreated, it will only get worse.

But here's the irony... and it just kills me...

Folks just like yourself are busting their humps trying to get their bodies in tip top shape... abs, arms, legs... but they're forgetting about their backs... literally the #1 support structure for the rest of the body!

One client actually told me, he feels like a zombie during the day, walking around with eyes barely open, slouched over and tilted, dragging his feet because he's physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted from lack of sleep due to back issues.

And this one gal I work with who lost nearly 80 lbs and is loving her new body, still can't enjoy life because of back problems. She told me she feels like she's 'missing out' with her kids because her back pain always gets in the way by limiting her activities.

Hearing stories like this just kills me. I feel for my clients.

Why? Because no one should EVER have to live with pain. No one should EVER have the quality of their life diminished... especially after working SO hard to get the body of their dreams.

Seriously, you can eat a clean, healthy diet, exercise religiously, and follow your doctor's recommendations to a T -- but no matter how healthy or well-conditioned your body may be, at some point in time, your lower back is almost destined to be problematic... it's just inevitable with age.

So when my client came to me in tears asking what she could do to start 'living' again and enjoying life with her family as well as the activities she loved -- I showed her one simple trick to help her:

  • Strengthen the back muscles
  • Tighten the core creating a natural 'corset'
  • Increase back/neck flexibility and range of motion
  • Promote better posture
  • Improve overall well-being to enjoy a more invigorated life

I'll share that trick with you in just a bit.

First, I wanted to ask you two important questions

  1. Does back pain impact YOUR daily life?
  2. If you sit too long, stand too long, or try to sleep... does your back bother you?

If you answered 'yes' to either of these questions, then I want you to know that back pain is more than just a localized physical sensation somewhere in your back, it's far-reaching affecting many aspects of your life and emotions!

Research indicates that back pain — specifically lower back pain — is the "leading cause of activity limitation and work absence throughout much of the world." i

Moreover, according to one study, back pain is also associated with numerous mental health symptoms, including anxiety and depression.ii

According to Jerome Schofferman, MD, head of the Rehabilitation, Interventional, and Medical Spine Care (RIMS) Section of the North American Spine Society, and director of Research and Education for SpineCare Medical Group in San Francisco and Daly City, Calif. says, "Back pain can become a black hole for all of life's bumps in the road. Everything is blamed on the back pain. If the back pain were better, everything would be better."iii

Another doctor, Robert N. Jamison, PhD, associate professor in the Departments of Anesthesia and Psychiatry at Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, adds, Chronic pain is something that interferes with every aspect of daily living. You can't concentrate, you can't remember things as well. It affects your appetite, it affects your sleep... People who are in constant pain may worry that they won't be able to work or go about their daily activities. With all of that stress, it makes sense that people get depressed, anxious, and irritable."iv

Finally, Mary Ann Wilmarth, DPT, a spokeswoman for the American Physical Therapy Association and chief of physical therapy at Harvard University, says it is critical that people address back pain right away stating, "Early intervention can help prevent a chronic problem from developing and obviate the need for medication and surgery."v

The 3 Common Causes Of
Chronic Back Pain

Lots of things can cause chronic back pain. The list can be long and detailed.

Back pain can range from the dull or throbbing aches related to spine osteoarthritis - to the sharp, shooting pain of a ruptured disc. It can also be associated with neurological symptoms like numbness and tingling if you sit or stand too long, or triggered by a certain position.

So to simplify things, I'm only going to talk about the most common culprits of back pain.

Does any of this sound familiar you... do you experience any of these symptoms... more importantly, do you find that your aching back is affecting both your health and your life?

If so, I have some encouraging news for you.

4 Simple Tricks To
Naturally Relieve Back Pain

Guess what... you don't have to live with chronic back pain any longer!

There is a natural, effective way to start repairing your body from the inside, out in about 5 minutes a day.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but it's the REAL DEAL, and I'm about to share this amazing, life-saving, jaw-dropping solution with you!

There's 4 simple things you can do to help alleviate back pain

  1. Rebuild Your Foundation. Your back is the foundation of your body. You can repair, rebuild and renew your aging back. You can do this by retraining your posture, through stretching and flexibility exercises as well as strengthening your core. I like to think of your core as your natural 'corset', which can help not only tone up your abdomen and cinch your waist, but also help support your back. (BTW, this is the #1 tip I told my client earlier and I showed her the BEST exercises to do to strengthen core and zap out back pain... which I'll share with you in a moment!)
  2. Mind Over Meditation. As I mentioned earlier, back pain can take its toll physically and emotionally on you. You can experience a wide range of emotions from pain, frustration, depression, anxiety. Practicing methods to help both your mind and body will have many benefits. I like to recommend to clients to do yoga, meditation, tai chi and other relaxation techniques to help refocus your mind from the pain to the positive.
  3. Nutrition Knowledge. You may not realize some things in your daily diet may be exasperating the pain by creating inflammation. Foods high in trans fats, refined sugars and processed foods are all 'inflammation causers' and you should steer clear from such foods and eat more lean, green and clean foods.
  4. Lifestyle Choices. This is an old but goody... I often tell my clients to 'listen to their body's'. I believe it's ok to push yourself, but within reason. Know your limitations and be smart with your activities, fitness routines, and general lifestyle choices. For example, if you're doing sit ups to define your abs and your technique is off, may be doing more harm than help. So be mindful of the things you're doing and how it may affect your back.

Back Renewal System

Back Renewal System

So remember that client of mine who lost 80lbs, got the body she desired only to be held back by chronic back pain?

After she worked tirelessly to achieve her weight and body goals, it nearly broke my heart to hear she was still suffering with back pain which was holding her back with her family... and in life.

She was telling me how frustrated she was with all the wrong information she was getting... the choices she was getting presented with... the money that all this would cost and would still not guarantee results.

She knew she didn't want anything invasive or intrusive. And she didn't want anyone to manipulate her spine and potentially cause more damage.

She was looking for a more natural, holistic approach without drugs, without pain, without cost of medical provider visits and the co pays associated with them.

Most importantly, she wanted to have a solution that she could do herself whenever and wherever she was.

My strong recommendation: Back Renewal System

Back Renewal System is a comprehensive yet convenient digital back relief, core strengthening program I created for clients exclusively dealing with back aches, pains, and issues.

It's something that can be used at home, while traveling, in the office, virtually wherever you are if you have access to a PC, smart phone or tablet.

You don't need fancy or costly gym equipment, there's no expensive medical costs, and there's no intrusive back-crunching techniques being used.

BONUS: You can modify and personalize the program for your specific back needs.

What's so special about this program and why has it worked for hundreds of clients?

Because you're simply knowing AND using the right exercises that are proven to tighten and strengthen your back (and core) thereby provide pain relief and promoting better posture.

This happens from using your body's own resistance coupled with hyper-focused, precise movements to revive all the central muscles of your back, waist and abs... clinically known as your external abdominal oblique's, the internal abdominal oblique's, the rectus abdominis and the transversus abdominis.

Normally, the Back Renewal System program is $79.95.

But because you've already showed a desire to go after the body you want, I'd like to reward your outstanding commitment by slashing 50% off the price.

You can get Back Renewal System for just one payment of $39.95!

Order Now

For most people, that's about the price of one co-payment at their medical specialist and way less than their deductible cost for a surgical procedure.

Yet this system can be used over, and over, and over again... without ever spending another dollar!

Even better, you're protected by my 100% Risk Free Guarantee, so you have absolutely NOTHING to lose!

Risk Free Guarantee

Risk Free Guarantee

But full disclosure: There is one kicker.

At this special price, I can only make this a one-time offer, that is, you can only get this deeply discounted price for TODAY only.

But I am confident this will be one decision you'll wish you made sooner. You're going to be simply thrilled with the results.

You'll soon feel (and look) healthier, happier, and stronger than ever before. You'll feel like a new person living your BEST life!

But don't just take my word for it, here's what REAL clients are saying:


See How Our Back Renewal System Delivers Success

Marion B.

"Half a year ago I had trouble going on my knees…And I can do it now. It works."

Doyle S.

"Now I have no restrictions with that... Now I’m finding that I’m able to do a few things a little easier than I could before"

Cheri J.

"My husband and I want to travel a lot, we love to kayak, we love to golf, we love to ride our bikes, and so when I’m in shape that makes me go: Okay, I really want to go do it, I don’t go ‘oh wow, I’m going to hurt after all that'"

This really is a great compliment to the One & Done system and the results you'll be obtaining from that.

Not only will you soon get the body desire and deserve... you'll also be free of pain and discomfort allowing you truly enjoy life (and new body!) with arms wide open... nothing will hold you back ever again!

Break free from pain with this breakthrough system.

I can't wait to meet you on the other side.

Health Back Now

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NO THANKS, my back already feels amazing and I am free from pain and I do not want to dramatically increase my back health and mobility ...

Yours for health, happiness & longevity,


Meredith Shirk
Fitness Nutrition Specialist

P.S. Don't forget this is a limited-time offer. Once you click off this page, you won't be able to get Back Renewal System for just $39.95... it will be its regular price of $79.95. So what are you waiting for? Click here now to say 'good-bye' to back pain forever!